Jacob Beeson

Certified full-stack software developer utilizing a bachelor's degree in psychology to enhance client interaction and improve teamwork in an agile environment. Experienced in front-end web design and back-end database/API integration. Currently working Freelance with OpenHumanity Inc. and open to Full-Time positions.

Technical skills:

  • HTML5, CSS4, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, Express.js, Node.js, Handlebar.js, React.js, React Native
  • Java, Spring Boot, MongoDB, MySQL, Bootstrap4, Git, Version Control, Web Design, UX/UI design

Developed projects include:

  • Fully functional websites
  • CLI applications generating pre-designed files
  • API-linked applications, including a date-night generator
  • Variety applications such as planner, notetaker, weather dashboard, etc.

Scroll further to see all of my projects to date!



A web-based application through which a user can order coffee. Users can create a profile and modify drinks. Drinks are pulled from a database, and user orders are saved and displayed under their profile.

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Handlebars, Express, MySQL, Sequelize, CSS, and Passport.


Personal Readme Generator

A CLI application utilizing node.js and inquirer to create simple, automated project README.md files. Redesigned to produce personal README.md files for quicker use.

Technologies used: JavaScript, CLI, Inquirer



E-commerce website selling high-end shoes with multiple back-end web services.
Role: Front-end Developer | Design, built components, created cart functionality, integrated stripe
Tools: Java, Spring Boot, MySQL, React, Redux, Stripe, Git

All Projects


Dinner Dice

A fun, date-night application where users may select specific dietary options and obtain a random food and drink combination based off their selection. The user is presented with their option, the recipe, and the ingredients required which is pulled from an API. Users may clip the results and save it for later use.

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, and API integration.


React.Js Portfolio

Personal project to develop a basic portfolio using React.js.

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, React-Bootstrap


Employee Management System

A CLS application where the user is able to view and manage departments, roles, and employees of a company.

Technologies used: JavaScript, mySQL, JSON, Node.js, Inquirer


Weather Dashboard

A weather application utilizing openweathermap api to display current conditions along with a 5-day forecast by searching for a select city. A history is collected and allows the user to search for a new city or select from previously searched cities.

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Javascript, ajax, and API integration.


Team Profile Generator

A CLS application that allows the user to generate a webpage, displaying the user's engineering team, with details about each member.

Technologies used: JavaScript, CSS, HTML, JSON, Node.js, Jest, Inquirer


Day Planner

A simple day planner application, allowing the user to log events throughout their day. Information is stored in local storage and will stay upon reload. Block colors change depending on the current time.

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JSON.



KickBack is the perfect platform to hangout with your friends, without needing to be in the same room! Watch a movie, share a youtube video, or simply just chat in a private room. Just because you have to be 6 feet apart, doesn't mean you have to be apart.

Technologies used: Node.js, Express, React.js, MongoDB, Heroku, React-Bootstrap, Auth0, Socket.io, YouTube API


Note Taker

A CLI application utilizing node.js and inquirer to create simple, automated project README.md files.

Technologies used: JavaScript, CSS, HTML, API, JSON, fs


Default README Generator

A CLI application utilizing node.js and inquirer to create simple, automated project README.md files.

Technologies used: JavaScript, CLI, Inquirer


Example Portfolio

A simple example portfolio.

Technologies used: HTML, CSS


Coding Quiz

A web-based application that allows the user to take a simple quiz to test their coding knowledge. Scores are saved to local storage. Scores are calculated based off of the user's input, with incorrect answers taking 15 seconds off of their total time. Users are showed highscores at the end after submitting their score.

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JSON.


Random Password Generator

A simple random password generator that allows the user to select from specific criteria to create a randomized password.

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

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